Joint Strategic Needs Assessments (JSNAs) are assessments of the current and future health and social care needs of the local community. Such needs could be met by the Local Authority , NHS boards and other local partners. JSNAs are produced by Health and wellbeing boards and are unique to each local area.

The JSNA provides a single, agreed view of priorities at place level and provide crucial insight to shape the Joint Health and Wellbeing Strategy (JHWS) of the borough. Health and care partners must have regard to the JSNA and JHWS. Other related reports include the pharmaceutical needs assessment and comprehensive needs assessment.

The Havering JSNA Profile

The last two years (2022-23) have seen significant changes in the National Health Service (NHS) and Local Authority service commissioning structures with the development of Integrated Care Boards (ICBs) and Place Based Partnerships. Alongside these have been radical reforms in the Local Authority with the implementation of the new Target Operating Model. The Council now aligns its work in the People Directorate under the life course themes of Starting Well, Living Well, Ageing Well and Dying Well and mirrors the same themes of work in the NHS. Consequently the JSNA has also be restructured around these four themes. The first two chapters have been completed and are presented below. The Living Well, Ageing Well and Dying Well chapters will be  published  in  the course of the year – 2024.

Havering’s Changing Demography
The Havering demographic profile is the first chapter of the JSNA. It provides a snapshot of key geographic, demographic and socio-economic facts and figures for the London Borough of Havering, with the intention that this will be the “one version of the truth” or reference document for all local stakeholders.

Havering JSNA Demography Chapter 2024

Starting Well JSNA
Starting Well is the second chapter of the JSNA. The data and insight presented follow a life-course approach covering maternal and new-born health, early years and families (0-4 years) and covering the first 1001 days, school age children 4-18 years, including children and young people with special educational needs and disabilities (SEND) up to 25 years and adolescents’ health and transition to adulthood. The analyses take into account the social, economic and environmental factors, collectively known as the ‘wider determinants of health and well-being’ as indicators of how Havering as a place supports and enhances the well-being of our residents.

Havering Starting Well JSNA 2023-24

Havering Local Insight
The two chapters and related data can also be accessed via our Local Insight Interactive Platform.

JSNA archive
Havering’s 2022 JSNA can be accessed using the links below:

2022 JSNA Infographics
2022 JSNA Executive Summary
2022 JSNA Recommendations
2022 JSNA Full Profile

Pharmaceutical Needs Assessment (PNA)

Every  Health and Wellbeing Board (HWB) in England has a statutory responsibility to publish and keep up to date a statement of needs for pharmaceutical services for their population. This is called the Pharmaceutical Needs Assessment (PNA) (NHS Pharmaceutical Regulations 2013).

The main user of the PNA is NHS England who commission community pharmacy services and its prime purpose is to control market entry of new pharmacies to an area over a three year period. If there are significant unplanned changes during that time then the HWB are responsible for publishing supplementary reports as required.

The HWB delegates to the Director of Public Health the responsibility of overseeing the production of the PNA on its behalf. The delivery of the PNA is then coordinated by a steering group who also quality assure the process and any decisions.

The current PNA assessed whether the current and future pharmacy provision meets the health and wellbeing needs of the Havering population. It has also determined whether there are any gaps, or need for improvements or better access, in the provision of pharmaceutical service either now or within the lifetime of this document, 1st October 2022 to 30th September 2025.

Havering PNA 2022-2025

PNA Supplementary Statements  2022-2025

A Supplementary Statement highlights changes to the provision of pharmacy services since the publication of the Pharmaceutical Needs Assessment. Supplementary Statements are issued for opening, mergers or closure of pharmacies or when there are pharmaceutical needs assessment changes that are minor but would be relevant for granting of applications. Once issued, a supplementary statement becomes part of the PNA. Below are supplementary statements published since 2022.

Havering PNA Suppl Statement_Nov2022_BootsMarketPl_v1.1

Comprehensive Needs Assessment

The Havering JSNA is complemented by comprehensive needs assessments otherwise termed as ‘Deep Dives’ which focus on specific topics agreed by the HWB as priority. ‘Deep Dives’ include an analysis of published evidence, data from local service provision and stakeholder engagement. A final report usually highlights specific recommendations for strategy development and action.    

Long COVID Needs Assessment

Long COVID is a new and evolving health condition which emerged during the COVID-19 pandemic.  A large group of residents in Havering have been experiencing ongoing symptoms after acute COVID-19 infections. A health needs assessment was conducted to explore and identify the needs associated with Long COVID, what relevant services are available and what can be done locally to support residents. The full report can be accessed using the link below.

Havering Long COVID needs assessment – Final

Havering  Combating Substance Misuse Strategy 2024 -2029

The Havering Combating Substance Misuse Strategy was approved by cabinet in March 2024. The full report and related documents can be accessed via links below:

Strategy report will be inserted here when published

Havering Substance Misuse Needs Assessment 2023 

Havering Combating Substance Misuse  Strategy Public Consultation Report

Havering Combating Substance Misuse  Strategy EqHIA 


Havering Sexual Health Needs Assessment 2024

Sexual heath is a wide-ranging and complex area, with multiple agencies responsible for commissioning, monitoring or directly providing different services, including local authorities, hospital trusts, primary and community care, schools and voluntary sector agencies.

The sexual health needs assessment for Havering provides an analysis of the available information and data gathered to understand the current sexual health needs of our population, how current service provision is meeting those needs and what gaps exist. With a particular focus on inequalities in health outcomes for vulnerable or at-risk groups, the scope of this needs assessment includes: sexually transmitted infections (STIs), conception, abortion, maternity, teenage pregnancy and contraception.

The full report and related documents can be accessed via the links below:

Havering Sexual Health Needs Assessment 2024 – Full report

Havering Sexual Health Needs Assessment 2024 – Summary of full report

Havering Sexual Health Needs Assessment 2024 – Summary of engagement with residents and professionals


Serious Violence Duty Strategy

This Strategy document has been produced as part of the requirements of the Serious Violence Duty, introduced by the Police Crime Sentencing and Courts Act 2022. 

The strategy sets out the agreed definition of Serious Violence for the borough, summarises the key aspects of the Serious Violence Strategic Needs Assessment, the partnership arrangements that have been agreed locally to lead on delivery of the duty, the areas of activity to prevent and reduce serious violence, and activity to engage with voluntary sector organisations, communities – including young people, as well as businesses.

Havering – Serious Violence Strategy 2024